We had a very successful week at the pool, one of the highlights being our first bus ride in
Year One! Many thanks to the parent helpers who offered to help us throughout
the week with getting to and from the pool! I still have a few missing items
which I have put in the lost property box including a sock and 3 pairs of boy’s
underwear. Over the last week 2 pairs of shorts and a shirt have gone missing. Could
you please check your child’s sports uniforms to see that they have the correct
name on them.
Parent Help Roster
I have put up a parent help roster in the noticeboard outside the classroom door. Please feel free to write your name down and join us from 8:45am – 11am for our morning program. Parent help begins in week 5.
Next week our first readers and sight words will go home. We encourage your children to get into the habit of bringing their homework folder to school each morning and putting them in the labelled tubs (blue dots or red dots). This way, The EA’s can easily exchange readers and the children are able to use their sight words for morning activities if needed.
Beginning of Year Mass
Tomorrow morning we will walk down to the Church with our buddies for our first whole school mass. We have been talking about being respectful in the Church and practicing our school prayer to help us join in confidently tomorrow morning. Parents are most welcome to attend this service from 9:30am.
Book Covering
As discussed at our parent information session, I am sending a few books home each weekend for clear contacting. I am only sending what is manageable for the children to carry in their bags, but if you would like to take all of the books at once, please feel free to come in and get them on Friday afternoon. We would like to have the books sent home returned by Monday morning for use at school. Thanks!
Baptism Photos/Memorabilia
Next week we will be exploring the special sacrament of Baptism. We are learning about how we become members of God’s family through this special sacrament. The children are invited to bring in a special photo/item of clothing/gift that they may have received at their Baptism to place on the prayer table and share with the class throughout next week. Photos of friends and other family members being Baptised are also welcome. It is important to note with the children that God loves all people equally, even if they are not Baptised.
Happy weekend to you all!
Amy Rundle